Linuxでは、膨大な量のテキスト(約500KB)をファイルに出力するのが困難です。テキストにスペース、特殊文字などが含まれています...エラー/ bin / sh:引数リストが長すぎます。
txt="---huge text separated by line and containing special characters---"
echo $txt
txt="---huge text separated by line and containing special characters---"
echo $txt >> filename.txt
cat >output <<textmarker
cat >filename.txt <<EOT
Your output-text starts here
Every new line or tab will be on the output too
"text0" 'text1' echo "Hello"
#Any other even huge text //
\n But Dollarsign and backslash have to be escaped
For example \$ and \\
your output-text ends with this marker, which had to be on a newline without whitespace