- JOCKEY: D Tudhope riding Dynamic Force in the 1.45 at Ayr
- TRAINER: A W Carroll training Be Fair in the 1.55 at Lingfield Park
- TRAINER: M L W Bell training The Vegas Raider in the 1.55 at Lingfield Park
- JOCKEY: Oisin Murphy riding The Vegas Raider in the 1.55 at Lingfield Park
- JOCKEY: W Buick riding Crestwood in the 1.55 at Lingfield Park
- TRAINER: P F Nicholls training Chez Hans in the 2.05 at Newton Abbot
- JOCKEY: Callum Rodriguez riding Gigiʼs Beach in the 2.15 at Ayr
「Lingfield Park」行だけを別のテキストファイルにエクスポートするにはどうすればよいですか?
$ grep '\bLingfield Park\b' FILE > ANOTHER_FILE
- TRAINER: A W Carroll training Be Fair in the 1.55 at Lingfield Park
- TRAINER: M L W Bell training The Vegas Raider in the 1.55 at Lingfield Park
- JOCKEY: Oisin Murphy riding The Vegas Raider in the 1.55 at Lingfield Park
- JOCKEY: W Buick riding Crestwood in the 1.55 at Lingfield Park