


[Admin Prefixes]
# Here you can add custom prefixes to specific players or flags that are shown when using $admin_prefix$.
# Syntax: "type" "info" "prefix" "[expiration date]"

#"name" "OciXCrom" "[Timed Prefix]" "31.12.2030"
#"name" "OciXCrom" "[Scripter]"
#"steam" "STEAM_0:0:50153248" "[CM Creator]"
#"ip" "" "[BOT]"
#"flag" "l" "[Head Admin]"
#"flag" "d" "[Server Admin]"
#"flag" "e" "[Test Admin]"
#"flag" "mnp" "[Premium]"
#"flag" "b" "[VIP]"
"flag" "s" "&x06]~Moderator~["
"flag" "r" "&x07]~ADMIN~["
"flag" "d" "&x06]~ADMIN~["
"flag" "f" "&x04]~ADMIN~["

[Chat Colors]
# Here you can add different chat colors to specific players or flags that are shown when using $chat_color$.
# Syntax: "type" "info" "chat color" "[expiration date]"

"flag" "s" "&x07"
"flag" "r" "&x07"
"flag" "d" "&x06"
"flag" "f" "&x01"
"flag" "" "&x01"

[Name Customization]
# Here you can modify the name shown for certain players when using $custom_name$.
# Syntax: "type" "info" "custom name" "[expiration date]"

"name" "OciXCrom" "&x03Oci&x04XC&x03rom"

"steam" "STEAM_0:0:50153248" "[CM Creator]"たとえば、アイテムを挿入したいと思います。[管理者プレフィックス]部分


私はLinuxを初めて使用します。誰でも私を助けることができますか? :)



sed '$a "steam" "STEAM_0:0:50153248" "[CM Creator]"' your_ini_file

15行目の後に追加するには$を15に変更し、行の後ろに一意のパターンを追加するには$を/ PATTERN /に置き換えます。



$ cat tst.awk
/^\[/ { prt() }
{ rec[++numLines] = $0 }
NF { lastPopulated = numLines }
END { prt() }

function prt(   i) {
    for ( i=1; i<=lastPopulated; i++ ) {
        print rec[i]
    if ( rec[1] == tgtSect ) {
        print newText
    for ( ; i<=numLines; i++ ) {
        print rec[i]
    numLines = 0

$ awk -v tgtSect='[Admin Prefixes]' -v newText='"steam" "STEAM_0:0:50153248" "[CM Creator]"' -f tst.awk file
[Admin Prefixes]
# Here you can add custom prefixes to specific players or flags that are shown when using $admin_prefix$.
# Syntax: "type" "info" "prefix" "[expiration date]"

#"name" "OciXCrom" "[Timed Prefix]" "31.12.2030"
#"name" "OciXCrom" "[Scripter]"
#"steam" "STEAM_0:0:50153248" "[CM Creator]"
#"ip" "" "[BOT]"
#"flag" "l" "[Head Admin]"
#"flag" "d" "[Server Admin]"
#"flag" "e" "[Test Admin]"
#"flag" "mnp" "[Premium]"
#"flag" "b" "[VIP]"
"flag" "s" "&x06]~Moderator~["
"flag" "r" "&x07]~ADMIN~["
"flag" "d" "&x06]~ADMIN~["
"flag" "f" "&x04]~ADMIN~["
"steam" "STEAM_0:0:50153248" "[CM Creator]"

[Chat Colors]
# Here you can add different chat colors to specific players or flags that are shown when using $chat_color$.
# Syntax: "type" "info" "chat color" "[expiration date]"

"flag" "s" "&x07"
"flag" "r" "&x07"
"flag" "d" "&x06"
"flag" "f" "&x01"
"flag" "" "&x01"

[Name Customization]
# Here you can modify the name shown for certain players when using $custom_name$.
# Syntax: "type" "info" "custom name" "[expiration date]"

"name" "OciXCrom" "&x03Oci&x04XC&x03rom"


$ cat tst.awk
/^\[/ { prt() }
{ rec[++numLines] = $0 }
NF { lastPopulated = numLines }
END { prt() }

function prt(   i,text) {
    for ( i=1; i<=lastPopulated; i++ ) {
        if ( rec[1] == tgtSect )  {
            text = rec[i]
            if ( text == newText ) {
                rec[i] = newText
                tgtSect = ""
        print rec[i]
    if ( rec[1] == tgtSect ) {
        print newText
    for ( ; i<=numLines; i++ ) {
        print rec[i]
    numLines = 0

$ awk -v tgtSect='[Admin Prefixes]' -v newText='"steam" "STEAM_0:0:50153248" "[CM Creator]"' -f tst.awk file
[Admin Prefixes]
# Here you can add custom prefixes to specific players or flags that are shown when using $admin_prefix$.
# Syntax: "type" "info" "prefix" "[expiration date]"

#"name" "OciXCrom" "[Timed Prefix]" "31.12.2030"
#"name" "OciXCrom" "[Scripter]"
"steam" "STEAM_0:0:50153248" "[CM Creator]"
#"ip" "" "[BOT]"
#"flag" "l" "[Head Admin]"
#"flag" "d" "[Server Admin]"
#"flag" "e" "[Test Admin]"
#"flag" "mnp" "[Premium]"
#"flag" "b" "[VIP]"
"flag" "s" "&x06]~Moderator~["
"flag" "r" "&x07]~ADMIN~["
"flag" "d" "&x06]~ADMIN~["
"flag" "f" "&x04]~ADMIN~["

[Chat Colors]
# Here you can add different chat colors to specific players or flags that are shown when using $chat_color$.
# Syntax: "type" "info" "chat color" "[expiration date]"

"flag" "s" "&x07"
"flag" "r" "&x07"
"flag" "d" "&x06"
"flag" "f" "&x01"
"flag" "" "&x01"

[Name Customization]
# Here you can modify the name shown for certain players when using $custom_name$.
# Syntax: "type" "info" "custom name" "[expiration date]"

"name" "OciXCrom" "&x03Oci&x04XC&x03rom"



2番目のスクリプトは、POSIX文字クラスをサポートするawkに依存しています。そうでない場合は、各スクリプト[[:space:]][ \t]
