"mosh"スパム "last -f /var/log/wtmp"を削除するには?

"mosh"スパム "last -f /var/log/wtmp"を削除するには?


cnst     pts/8        172.56.2x.yz via Mon May 19 08:19   still logged in
cnst     pts/8        mosh [50892]     Mon May 19 08:19 - 08:19  (00:00)
cnst     pts/8        172.56.2x.yz via Mon May 19 08:18 - 08:19  (00:01)
cnst     pts/8        mosh [50892]     Mon May 19 08:18 - 08:18  (00:00)
cnst     pts/8        172.56.2x.yz via Mon May 19 08:18 - 08:18  (00:00)
cnst     pts/8        mosh [50892]     Mon May 19 08:18 - 08:18  (00:00)
cnst     pts/8        172.56.2x.yz via Sun May 18 20:11 - 08:18  (12:06)
cnst     pts/8        mosh [50892]     Sun May 18 20:11 - 20:11  (00:00)
cnst     pts/8        172.56.2x.yz via Sun May 18 20:11 - 20:11  (00:00)
cnst     pts/8        mosh [50892]     Sun May 18 20:10 - 20:11  (00:00)
cnst     pts/8        172.56.2x.yz via Sun May 18 19:55 - 20:10  (00:15)
cnst     pts/8        mosh [50892]     Sun May 18 19:55 - 19:55  (00:00)
cnst     pts/8        172.56.2x.yz via Sun May 18 19:55 - 19:55  (00:00)
cnst     pts/8        mosh [50892]     Sun May 18 19:55 - 19:55  (00:00)
cnst     pts/8        172.56.2x.yz via Sun May 18 19:24 - 19:55  (00:30)
cnst     pts/8        mosh [50892]     Sun May 18 19:24 - 19:24  (00:00)
cnst     pts/8        172.56.2x.yz via Sun May 18 19:24 - 19:24  (00:00)
cnst     pts/8        mosh [50892]     Sun May 18 19:23 - 19:24  (00:00)





これは、2012年にutmpサポートが追加された直後のメーリングリストの議論で見られるように、既知の問題です。返信:[mosh-users]ログインwtmp、Kevin Weinsteinは言います。

By default, mosh-server adds an entry to utmp (including the user's IP
address) whenever the user becomes active, and replaces it with a
different entry (with just the mosh PID) when they go inactive. This
can help you find abandoned mosh servers.

We don't have a configuration option to change this behavior, but if
you only want the initial utmp entry, you can comment out the source
code in mosh-server.cc that begins "/* update utmp if has been more
than 10 seconds since heard from client */" (near line 678).

