oshiro@debian:~$ xfreerdp --version
This is FreeRDP version 1.1.0-beta1 (git n/a)
oshiro@debian:~$ sudo xfreerdp /v:farm.company.com /d:company.com /g:rds.company.com /u:rds_username /p:rds_password /f
connected to rds.company.com:443
connected to rds.company.com:443
TS Gateway Connection Success
Got stub length 4 with flags 3 and callid 7
Got stub length 4 with flags 3 and callid 192
WaitForSingleObject: unknown handle type 6715497
connected to rds.company.com:443
connected to rds.company.com:443
TS Gateway Connection Success
Got stub length 4 with flags 3 and callid 7
Got stub length 4 with flags 3 and callid 22
Failed to check FreeRDP file descriptor
Got stub length 4 with flags 2 and callid 6
WaitForSingleObject: unknown handle type 0
Failed to check FreeRDP file descriptor
Got stub length 4 with flags 2 and callid 6
WaitForSingleObject: unknown handle type 0
xfreerdpバージョン1.2.0を試しましたが、rdsウィンドウもロードされません。 xfreerdp 1.1.0は、上記のメッセージが表示されるまで少なくともしばらくの間rdsウィンドウを表示します。
Got stub length 4 with flags 3 and callid 27309
Got stub length 4 with flags 0 and callid 6
WARNING: invalid packet signature
Got stub length 4 with flags 3 and callid 27310
WARNING: invalid packet signature
Failed to check FreeRDP file descriptor
Got stub length 4 with flags 3 and callid 27311
Got stub length 4 with flags 2 and callid 6
WaitForSingleObject: pthread_join failure: [3] No such process