



GParted 0.26.1 --enable-libparted-dmraid --enable-online-resize

Libparted 3.2

Shrink /dev/sda8 from 186.22 GiB to 52.14 GiB  00:00:15    ( ERROR )

calibrate /dev/sda8  00:00:02    ( SUCCESS )

path: /dev/sda8 (partition)
start: 569604096
end: 960141311
size: 390537216 (186.22 GiB)
check file system on /dev/sda8 for errors and (if possible) fix them  00:00:10    ( SUCCESS )

e2fsck -f -y -v -C 0 /dev/sda8  00:00:10    ( SUCCESS )

Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure 
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity 
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information 

344770 inodes used (2.82%, out of 12206080)
697 non-contiguous files (0.2%)
437 non-contiguous directories (0.1%)
# of inodes with ind/dind/tind blocks: 0/0/0
Extent depth histogram: 285823/147
5381900 blocks used (11.02%, out of 48817152)
0 bad blocks
1 large file

250061 regular files
30196 directories
55 character device files
25 block device files
1 fifo
12 links
64422 symbolic links (58710 fast symbolic links)
1 socket
344773 files
e2fsck 1.43.1 (08-Jun-2016)
shrink file system  00:00:03    ( ERROR )

resize2fs -p /dev/sda8 54675456K  00:00:03    ( ERROR )

Resizing the filesystem on /dev/sda8 to 13668864 (4k) blocks.
Begin pass 3 (max = 1490)
Scanning inode table XXX-------------------------------------
resize2fs 1.43.1 (08-Jun-2016)



ext4パーティションを縮小しようとすると、GParted 0.26.1-5(resize2fs 1.43.1を含む)で同じエラーが発生しました。

私はresize2fs(1.42.8)の以前のバージョンを正常に使用しました。以前のParted Magic iso(2013.08.01、最後の無料版)を使用できます。
