使っています標準偏差は、Collins Cobuild 5
# czxyl @ archlinux in ~/Dropbox [12:57:27] C:16
$ sdcv hello
Found 7 items, similar to hello.
-->CMU American English spelling
Hello \Hel*lo"\, interj. & n.
An exclamation used as a greeting, to call attention, as an
exclamation of surprise, or to encourage one. This variant of
{Halloo} and {Holloo} has become the dominant form. In the
United States, it is the most common greeting used in
answering a telephone.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
n : an expression of greeting; "every morning they exchanged
polite hellos" [syn: {hullo}, {hi}, {howdy}, {how-do-you-do}]
-->Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Hello \Hel*lo"\, interj. & n.
See {Halloo}.
= hallo.
-->Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
S1 interjection, n also hallo, hullo BrE [C] [Date: 1800-1900; Origin: hollo a shout to call attention (16-19 centuries)]//
1 used as a greeting when you see or meet someone: --Hello, John! How are you?// --Stanley, come and say hello to your nephew.// --Well, hello there ! I haven't seen you for ages.//
2 used when answering the telephone or starting a telephone conversation: --Hello - may I speak to Anne?//
3 used when calling to get someone's attention: --Hello! Is there anybody home?//
4 used when you think someone is not acting sensibly or has said something stupid: --You didn't remember her birthday? Hello!//
5 BrE used to show that you are surprised or confused by something: --Hello! What's happened here?//
6 say hello: to have a quick conversation with someone// --Promise you'll look in and say hello when you have time.//
-->Collins Cobuild 5
-->golden hello
<b>gold|en hel|lo</b> <b>(golden hellos)</b><br><FONT COLOR="#007000">[N-COUNT]</FONT><br> A <b>golden hello</b> is a sum of money that a company offers to a person in order to persuade them to join the company. (BUSINESS)<br> ● <font color="#004080"><i>Most people recognise the need to pay a golden hello to attract the best.</i></font><hr>
出力にはコード(出力提供、他のコード提供)plain text
Collins Cobuild 5
plain text
plain texts
elink -dump local-html
次のテキストモードブラウザを使用します。w3mまたはサルク。 HTMLではなくプレフィックスを削除し、ブラウザにこれがHTMLであることを伝えます(lynxはこれを前提としていますが、w3mはそうではありません。これは完全なドキュメントではなくHTMLフラグメントだからです)。インタラクティブなインターフェイスを表示するのではなく、画面にダンプするようにブラウザに指示します。
$ /usr/bin/sdcv counterpart | awk '/^</ {p=1} p' | w3m -T text/html -dump
◆ counter|part /k'aʊntə^rpɑː^rt/ (counterparts)
[N-COUNT] with supp, usu poss N
Someone's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that has a
similar function or position in a different place.
● The Foreign Secretary telephoned his Italian counterpart to protest.
$ /usr/bin/sdcv counterpart | awk '/^</ {p=1} p' | lynx -stdin -dump
◆ counter|part /k'aʊntə^rpɑː^rt/ (counterparts)
[N-COUNT] with supp, usu poss N
Someone's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that
has a similar function or position in a different place.
● The Foreign Secretary telephoned his Italian counterpart to protest.
render mdをhtmlファイルに使用し、elink
/usr/bin/sdcv $1 > /home/czxyl/Documents/firstlove.md
pandoc /home/czxyl/Documents/firstlove.md -o /home/czxyl/Documents/firstlove.html
elinks -dump /home/czxyl/Documents/firstlove.html
rm /home/czxyl/Documents/firstlove.html /home/czxyl/Documents/firstlove.md
alias def='. tt.sh'
# czxyl @ archlinux in ~ [0:22:34]
$ def hello
Found 7 items, similar to hello. –>CMU American English spelling –>hello
–>dictd_www.dict.org_gcide –>Hello
Hello lo“, interj. & n. An exclamation used as a greeting, to call
attention, as an exclamation of surprise, or to encourage one. This
variant of {Halloo} and {Holloo} has become the dominant form. In the
United States, it is the most common greeting used in answering a
telephone. [1913 Webster +PJC]
–>WordNet –>hello
hello n : an expression of greeting; “every morning they exchanged polite
hellos” [syn: {hullo}, {hi}, {howdy}, {how-do-you-do}]
–>Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) –>Hello
Hello lo“, interj. & n. See {Halloo}.
–>牛津现代英汉双解词典 –>hello
= hallo.
–>Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English –>hello
S1 interjection, n also hallo, hullo BrE [C] [Date: 1800-1900; Origin:
hollo a shout to call attention (16-19 centuries)]// 1 used as a greeting
when you see or meet someone: –Hello, John! How are you?// –Stanley, come
and say hello to your nephew.// –Well, hello there ! I haven’t seen you
for ages.// 2 used when answering the telephone or starting a telephone
conversation: –Hello - may I speak to Anne?// 3 used when calling to get
someone’s attention: –Hello! Is there anybody home?// 4 used when you
think someone is not acting sensibly or has said something stupid: –You
didn’t remember her birthday? Hello!// 5 BrE used to show that you are
surprised or confused by something: –Hello! What’s happened here?// 6 say
hello: to have a quick conversation with someone// –Promise you’ll look in
and say hello when you have time.//
–>Collins Cobuild 5 –>golden hello
gold|en hel|lo (golden hellos)
A golden hello is a sum of money that a company offers to a person in
order to persuade them to join the company. (BUSINESS)
● Most people recognise the need to pay a golden hello to attract the
# czxyl @ archlinux in ~ [0:22:40]