

プレビューを含むリアルタイム検索履歴を見たことがあります。BUFFER行の下のリストに履歴の最初の10件の一致が表示され、キーを押すたびに更新され、残りの時間は標準のCtrl + R検索と同様に機能します。 (ただし、この機能を使用するユーザーが3週間消えて連絡が取れません)

tl;dr: このプラグイン/スクリプトをご存知で、私にリンクしていただける方はいらっしゃいますか?



zle -N search

bindkey "^R" search

search () {
echo "";
fc -ln -30 | grep $(printf "%q\n" "$BUFFER");
<standard-history-backwards-search-widget>; #not on linux atm








autoload -Uz history-beginning-search-menu
zle -N history-beginning-search-menu
bindkey '^P' history-beginning-search-menu



$ dialog  -| 
Enter digit:
1 dialog  --infobox text 5 15| sed 's/...104..//'
2 dialog  --yesno SomeText 0 0
3 dialog  --yesno text 0 0
4 dialog  --yesno text 5 15



完成したアイテムを一覧表示したり、リストを更新したり、リストを消去したりする機能を直接使用できますzle -R
独自の「管理されていない」テキストを作成するには、zle -M.fromを
使用できますpinfo zsh

zle -R [ -c ] [ DISPLAY-STRING ] [ STRING ... ]
[ ... ]

    -R [ -c ] [ DISPLAY-STRING ] [ STRING ... ]
          Redisplay the command line; this is to be called from within
          a user-defined widget to allow changes to become visible.  If
          a DISPLAY-STRING is given and not empty, this is shown in the
          status line (immediately below the line being edited).

          If the optional STRINGs are given they are listed below the
          prompt in the same way as completion lists are printed. If no
          STRINGs are given but the -c option is used such a list is

          Note that this option is only useful for widgets that do not
          exit immediately after using it because the strings displayed
          will be erased immediately after return from the widget.

          This command can safely be called outside user defined
          widgets; if zle is active, the display will be refreshed,
          while if zle is not active, the command has no effect.  In
          this case there will usually be no other arguments. [...]

          As with the -R option, the STRING will be displayed below the
          command line; unlike the -R option, the string will not be
          put into the status line but will instead be printed normally
          below the prompt.  This means that the STRING will still be
          displayed after the widget returns (until it is overwritten
          by subsequent commands).

zstyle ':completion:*' ...私はレイアウトの詳細がどのように構成されていると確信しています。

シェルに組み込まれているいくつかのオプションはprintそれ自体で役立つか、文字列を生成してから次のコマンドラインでその文字列を印刷すると便利ですzle -M
pinfo zsh

print [ -abcDilmnNoOpPrsSz ] [ -u N ] [ -f FORMAT ] [ -C COLS ]
[ -R [ -en ]] [ ARG ... ]
     With the '-f' option the arguments are printed as described by
     printf.  With no flags or with the flag '-', the arguments are
     printed on the standard output as described by echo, with the
     following differences: the escape sequence '\M-X' metafies the
     character X (sets the highest bit), '\C-X' produces a control
     character ('\C-@' and '\C-?' give the characters NUL and delete),
     and '\E' is a synonym for '\e'.  Finally, if not in an escape
     sequence, '\' escapes the following character and is not printed.

    [  ...  ]
          Print arguments with the column incrementing first.  Only
          useful with the -c and -C options.

          Recognize all the escape sequences defined for the bindkey
          command, see *note Zle Builtins::.

          Print the arguments in columns.  Unless -a is also given,
          arguments are printed with the row incrementing first.

    -C COLS
          Print the arguments in COLS columns.  Unless -a is also given,
          arguments are printed with the row incrementing first.

          Print the arguments separated by newlines instead of spaces.

          Take the first argument as a pattern (should be quoted), and
          remove it from the argument list together with subsequent
          arguments that do not match this pattern.

          Do not add a newline to the output.

          Print the arguments sorted in ascending order.

          Print the arguments to the input of the coprocess.

          Perform prompt expansion (see *note Prompt Expansion::).

          Place the results in the history list instead of on the
          standard output.  Each argument to the print command is
          treated as a single word in the history, regardless of its

          Place the results in the history list instead of on the
          standard output.  In this case only a single argument is
          allowed; it will be split into words as if it were a full
          shell command line.  The effect is similar to reading the
          line from a history file with the HIST_LEX_WORDS option

    -u N
          Print the arguments to file descriptor N.

          Push the arguments onto the editing buffer stack, separated
          by spaces.

    [  ...  ]

